From the great folks at PreppComm!  Visit their ‘virtual booth’ at QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo! 

We have exciting news! If you have heard about the QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo, you will understand. On March 13 and 14 several thousand hams will gather online for a virtual convention, complete with speakers, an exhibit floor, kit building workshops, virtual face-to-face meetings with exhibitors and so much more. And it comes directly to your desktop, laptop or tablet. PreppComm will be there, at a small booth in the exhibit area, and we would love it if you would pay us a visit. For the full scoop,  just follow this link:




At our booth you’ll see the new DMX-40 Data Sheet as well as our new DMX Video Series, a set of nine short videos. Demoing the primary features of the DMX-40, each is about three or four minutes long. Of course only the top features are covered, but your understanding of how the DMX-40 works will be dramatically increased by watching the series.  Here is a list of the videos:

1. DMX-40 Introduction
2. Setup & Typing Speed
3. Help, Gain, LED’s
4. Tuning & Calling CQ
5. Directed Call, Answer
6. QSO!
7. Frequency Memories
8. Microprogramming
9. Keying, External Mode, VFO

By the time you finish the first 5, watching number 6 is quite revealing on how it all comes together in a real live QSO.  But Video 8 is even better:  it shows you the four “”starter” microprograms you should load into the F1 – F4 function keys to have complete control of your transmit function!  These videos will be offered on YouTube and the website as well during or after the virtual event.

We will also be announcing our partnership with AmRRON at the convention.  AmRRON is a nationwide organization for communications in emergency and disaster situations.  They have organized the “Channel 3” program for non-hams, and integrated it into a ham radio based emergency network, plus various phone apps and internet groups, such as PrepperNet.  PreppComm will be offering a special version of the DMX-40, the DMX-40A via the AmRRON website..

So, come join us at the QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo!  Only $10 for a ticket to enter!

The PreppComm Team