Ready to get your license? First, contact your local Ham Radio Club to find the closest Amateur Radio License Exam location. Now, start studying! Don’t be intimidated, there are several GREAT online study tools available to prep you for your exam. Once you choose a test date, start studying AND DON’T STOP. The best approach is to STUDY, STUDY and STUDY. You don’t want to keep starting over on the same materials.
Let us know when you pass your test! Via the AmRRON member Profile Update Form!
Tip: If you are testing for your Technician License, consider taking the General exam the same day or shortly thereafter since there is some question overlap.
Ham Radio License Online Study Tools
With HamTestOnline I got my T and G Ticket in 30 hours of studying, the subscription is worth its weight in gold!!
I encourage anyone thinking of getting their License to use HamTestOnline.
I am not paid or any way associated with HamTestOnline, just a very satisfied customer!!
NOTE: As of a couple days ago (when I checked last 7/17), the online practice exam at was the only one that had it’s question pool updated to reflect the new test, which went into effect on July 1st, 2014. Congratulations on getting your ham ticket… and GENERAL to boot! Great job.
Found your web site through Western Rifle Shooters blog. Watched the video, read a few articles. I purchased a study guide and 7 days later passed my Tech exam. I would encourage everyone to go for it. It was actually quite interesting and rewarding. Waiting for my call sign so I can join Amrron. I am currently studying for my General. Don’t be intimidated, if I can do it anyone can do it.