If you are not directly participating in the exercise, you can participate as follows:


Continuous operations begin at 20180421-1500Z, beginning on the East
AmRRON Division net.

Nets are scheduled to rotate to the next time zone every three hours --
Eastern (1500Z) -> Central -> Mountain -> Pacific (1500Z - 0300Z)

7.242LSB ± 5kHz voice County STATREPs and net Check-ins.  Download the
County STATREP form from www.AmRRON.com/amrron-forms/

7.110 USB (1200 on the waterfall.  Mode: Contestia 4/250) for digital
traffic using FLDIGI/FLMSG/FLAMP, as well as regular check-ins.  This is
where traffic can be expected to be passed.

Be sure to download the latest FLMSG AmRRON Custom Forms from

1) Monitor During Exercise -See details above!
2) County Stat Reps- Submit REAL WORLD County Stat Reps to practice passing traffic


Announcing the Pre-TREX training exercise, “Rabid Rudolph”. This emergency communications training exercise is scheduled for April, 21st and will help better prepare you for T-REX 2018!

Click on the image above for PDf with hyperlinks

Thank you to the Pre-Exercise & T-REX 2018 planning teams!

AmRRON Corps Members, visit the forum for additional information. There is a thread where AmRRON Corps members are working together (Trainers and Trainees) to help get more NCS’s trained up on passing traffic (focusing on digital comms).

Red Pill Expo discount code of 15% (FR2018) ends to March 30!

Red Pill Expo