The official page for the 2023 annual scenario-based grid-down civil defense emergency communications training exercise!

(because no one else is doing it)

 T-REX 2023 Introduction | Video 1

/// ERROR CORRECTION /// Exercise begins and ends at 19:00hrs ZULU (NOT 23:00 Zulu).

This is the first in a series of T-23 vids to help prepare those participating in this

year’s simulated grid-down communications exercise.


This year’s simulation exercise will be based on a scenario involving advance party saboteurs from the fictional country, Maoistan, who have infiltrated into the United States through Mexico and Canada over the previous several months.  Their mission is to disrupt critical communications and power grid infrastructures, as well as other disruptive peripheral operations.


Simulated grid-down dates:  Friday, July 21st through Noon (Pacific), July 23rd

Lead-up Timeline:  Keep checking for updates, which will become more frequent in the days and weeks leading up to the exercise.  We will post ‘Breaking News’ updates to our WIWT NEWS (What-if It Were True) T-REX News page on or about July 1st.


Anyone can participate!  Don’t have comms yet?  You can simulate shutting your phone, power, and internet off and practice your preparedness plan, cook your food off grid, conduct first-aid training, practice using your water filters, test your solar battery lights.  Use your imagination.

Individuals and Groups.   Whether you’re an individual person going solo, or a family, church group, preparedness group, militia, county-wide network, etc., this is a great opportunity for you to simulate a gid-down emergency situation.  Make up your own sub scenarios that are relevant to your own situation, practice your bugout  or bug IN plan.  Host preparedness training for the weekend (your home, church, VFW hall, etc.) giving updates to the group as news, information, and intelligence is received from the ongoing nets;  Discuss what you would do if the news you received was real, or impacts or action items for your family or group.

Communicators:  This is a chance for you to practice using your communications equipment to stay informed and inform others.  Put your gear and skills to the test and take notes on needed improvements.  Did you have the right software, the signal operating instructions, the custom AmRRON forms, adequate power supply, etc.?

Much more to follow.  Keep checking the website!