Activation Alert!
As of the time of this posting, 10 August 2022 at 17:00hrs Zulu time (10am Pacific/1pm Eastern), we are in a simulated instant power/telecommunications grid-down environment.
From this point, no internet or conventional communications may be used to coordinate with others or to monitor radio traffic relating to the simulated grid down event.
What would you do if suddenly your power went out?
You pick up your cell phone and you have no service, no internet, no satellite, and no dial tone on your landline. You turn on your FM radio or you television and most of your local stations are off the air or announcing disruptions or airing canned music playlists.
The logical sequence:
1. Turn on your scanner to monitor for any discussions of outages in your local community (police/fire, local ham repeaters, airport, etc.)
2. Turn on your vhf/uhf ham radio and try hailing your local ham repeater(s), asking if others on the repeater are also experiencing disruptions (is this just affecting your street, your town, or your county?). Everyone else reports the same thing.
3. Turn on your HF radio, shortwave radio, or software defined radio (SDR) and tune to the frequency/mode for the AmRRON Persistent Presence Net for the time of day. SEE PAGE 15, Section 1.3 of your Signals Operating Instructions.
4. Determine (informally) if anyone else is experiencing the disruption outside your community, across your region, and in adjacent states and regions. (Everyone in North America should also be simulating the same disruptions)
5. When you learn this is a large disruption spanning multiple regions, prepare a Status Report (STATREP), on your own initiative. SEE PAGE 37 (Section 6.3.1 in your S.O.I.).
**NOTE** In this particular exercise, NCS will not be taking STATREPs. However, NCS will have traffic to pass. We will focus on sending STATREPs to NCS in upcoming trianing exercises.
NCS will also not be taking checkins, as is traditional for regularly-scheduled practice nets.
6. Refer to your S.O.I. to determine the upcoming net schedule (See pages 12-13 in your S.O.I.). Any modifications to the net will be announced by a SIGCEN and/or NCS. (See Variable Daily Net Schedule on Page 14, section 1.2 of your S.O.I.)
7. Until the next scheduled AmRRON HF net, monitor the HF Persistent Presence Net for any announcements or instructions, and to build situational awareness as more stations come on line.
Activate or monitor your local vhf/uhf net to stay in contact with others in your local community.
**NOTE** While there may be stations getting on the air in the HF voice/phone bands and frequencies, the Persistent Presence Net only includes digital mode frequencies.
8. Tune in to the AmRRON HF nets (voice and digital) on schedule and follow instructions of the NCS.
– DO NOT repeatedly try to check in if you cannot copy NCS
– If there seems to be no NCS on the air, then call ‘CQ AmRRON’ and ask if there is a net going on, or ask if anyone can copy NCS.
– Stations who can copy NCS and see someone trying to check in, or otherwise inadvertently interfering with the net, briefly transmit “[callsign]Yes. Stand by”
AmRRON Corps will hold an exercise hotwash in this evening’s Breakout Channel Z-Net voice net.
Please participate in the survey posted on the AmRRON Mobile Team app after the exercise.
If you do not have the AmRRON Mobile Team app, then please take the time to email the survey questions (and your answers), which will be in a Post Alert Exercise questionnaire posting on the website, to
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