Step 1.  From the AmRRON Forms page at

Scroll down to the section labeled ‘AMRRON FLMSG CUSTOM FORMS – HTML FORMS

Click on the ‘AmRRON Custom Forms Version 5.0‘ .zip file

This “should” automatically download the zip file to your designated Download folder.

If this works as described, skip to Step 2 (below)

If it does not, then manually download the form:

Hover your mouse over the hyperlinked file labeled AMRRON FLMSG CUSTOM FORMS – HTML FORMS, and RIGHT CLICK your mouse.

From the dropdown menu, depending on your operating system, select one of the following:

  • Save Page As
  • Save Target As
  • Save Link As

Then select the file path as indicated (below), depending on your operating system:

  • On XP: C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\NBEMS.files\CUSTOM
  • On Windows 7, 8 and Vista: C:\Users\<username>\NBEMS.files\CUSTOM
  • On Linux: /home/<username>/.nbems/custom
  • On Puppy: /root/.nbems/custom On OS X: /home/<username>/.nbems/custom

Navigate to the NBEMS ‘Custom’ folder, and unzip the file in the Custom folder.  Included, you will find a ‘README’ file, which will also include importing and setup instructions.

STEP 2.  Importing and Unzipping the Custom Forms V5.0 file into your NBEMS ‘Custom’ folder.

IF Step 1 worked as designed, then copy/paste the Custom Forms zip file from your Downloads folder to your NBEMS folder, depending on your operating system:

  • On XP: C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\NBEMS.files\CUSTOM
  • On Windows 7, 8 and Vista: C:\Users\<username>\NBEMS.files\CUSTOM
  • On Linux: /home/<username>/.nbems/custom
  • On Puppy: /root/.nbems/custom On OS X: /home/<username>/.nbems/custom

Navigate to the NBEMS ‘Custom’ folder, and unzip the file in the Custom folder.  Included, you will find a ‘README’ file, which will also include importing and setup instructions.

Step 3.  Verifying Import, and Using the Forms

Once the forms are imported into your flmsg ‘Custom’ form folder, open up your flmsg program.  Click on the ‘Form’ tab and place your cursor over the ‘Custom’ tab in the drop down menu.  A menu should appear displaying the custom AmRRON forms available for you to use, and you should see the Version 5.0 forms, as in the figure below:

When you click on a form it will open and change the appearance as displayed below. You can either View Form or Edit Form. In this example we’ve chosen the AmRRON SITREP. To produce a report and add information, click on the ‘Edit From’ tab (Shown below):

When the form opens as an html page in your browser, fill it out. When you have completed the form, click the ‘Submit Form‘ button located at the lower left corner of the document (Shown Below)

Now you can go back to your flmsg program and you’ll see that the form and raw data is filled in (See Below).

When you are ready to send your message, click ‘AutoSend‘ (be sure to have FLDIGI open) and it will prompt you to save it first.

BE SURE to use the latest AmRRON File Naming Protocol when saving a new file.

As soon as you do it will automatically start transmitting (Be sure to have your fldigi program open first). If you wish to send the message later, click ‘Save’ from the File menu. It should automatically select the correct file path, which should look like:


Later, when you’re ready to send your message form, start the FLMSG program, click ‘File‘ then ‘Open‘, and select the file you wish to transmit.

A great tutorial for getting your fldigi and flmsg set up is at: