The 15th edition of the AmRRON Beacon newsletter is available!
The monthly journal for patriot radio operators
Click the image below to go to the AmRRON Beacon page
The newsletter can be read or downloaded from the AmRRON Beacon web page.
In this month’s issue:
- From AmRRON HQ
- Radio News
- New Optimized STATREP V5.1
- Videos of Interest
- White Paper:
When is authentication necessary?
To read or download your copy, go to the AmRRON Beacon web page.
Apologies for a long overdue message of appreciation for the new Beacon (it’s been a wild winter!). I especially like the longer format. The features are all good but three stand out:
* I heartily endorse the recommendation of “Between Silk and Cyanide” — it is a ripping good read. Why hasn’t it been made into a film? I worked and lived for many years in the UK and lost a lot of time (and money) on Charing Cross Road. One wonders what has become of the building that housed Marks and Co.
* The explanations of the new STATREP 5.1 are outstanding and easy to follow and understand. Thanks!
* Great tip about USB cables and how they are, and have been, used for nefarious purposes. Perhaps we should start producing our own?
I’m looking forward to Beacon number 16!
73 VC RS-43