UPDATE: Beginning Friday, September 20th, 2024, the NIB will be distributed every Friday evening. See details below!
NIB (National Intelligence Brief)
AmRRON is happy to announce a joint partnership with Forward Observer, bringing Intelligence and Communications together!
- Current events which could affect you!
- Increased Situational Awareness for the patriot and preparedness community
- Expert analysis
- Delivered to you over radio by AmRRON in each region on a regularly-scheduled, weekly basis
AmRRON Communications and Forward Observer Intelligence Services have formally announced a partnership that just makes sense!
BEGINNING Friday, September 20th, 2024
7:00pm (Northern Station)
7:20pm (Southern Station)
*Except Christmas, Christmas Eve, and Independence Day
After coordination between Forward Observer and AmRRON, we are happy to adjust and move the distribution from Wednesdays to Fridays.
Wednesday, September 18th will be the FINAL Wednesday distribution, where we will send out the previous NIB, which was released 13 September, 2024.
Traffic will be sent from a northern Distribution Station to a Southern Distribution station each Friday at 7:00pm (your local time), then the southern Distribution Station sends the message back to the northern station at 7:20pm.
Each station will send first in FLMSG, and then FLAMP, providing multiple opportunities for you to intercept, save, read, or print the intelligence bulletin, and share with your local groups. All traffic is authenticated by our Tier 5 stations as well as the distribution stations using PGP digital signatures before distribution. You’ll know it’s the real deal from Forward Observer!
Then the process is repeated an hour later in Central, Mountain, and finally Pacific time zones.
You do NOT to be a licensed ham radio operator to receive intelligence and bulletins over radio. The software is free and easy to set up. LEARN HOW HERE!
Receive HF Digital Reports over Radio, even if you’re not a ham!
NOTE (01/03/25): If the NIB is received from Forward Observer without being digitally signed, it will be transmitted using only FLMSG, in plain text. The NIB distribution stations will only send the NIB using Forward Error Correction program ‘FLAMP’ if it is received digitally-signed. NCSs should retrieve an error-free .k2s file version of the NIB for distributing during their nets from Tier 5 stations prior to start of their nets.
DOWNLOAD, PRINT, and SHARE THE National Intelligence Bulleting SCHEDULE (PDF Below)
I am learning! It is vitally important to enter fldigi configure menu–>Soundcard–>Devices, then select in Capture pull-down menu the correct mic input. This is fun! Thank you for the lessons. -OR-01
Your document says
“Transmitting stations will switch from Contestia 4/250 to MFSK32, and upon completion of transmission, will return the frequency to Contestia 4/250”
It should say
“Transmitting stations will switch from Contestia 4/250 to MFSK32, and upon completion of transmission, will return the mode to Contestia 4/250”