T-REX 2024 |AAR | Part-1

(After Action Report)

The following is a summary and compilation of the participants in the post-exercise survey for T-REX 2024. Fifty T-REX participants
submitted a survey this year, from 22 states, and Japan. At a typical 25% participation rate, we estimate approximately 200 direct
participants in the exercise, along with hundreds of others who used the exercise to practice their preparedness plan, but who’s primary
focus was on other tasks besides communications.

Part 2 will be an overview of the individual AARs received from some of our seasoned operators, lessons learned, and recommendations for

In this report, lessons learned, in the words of those who participated:

  • What went well?

  • What challenges did you have to overcome, and how?

  • What advice would you give to someone else participating in T-REX for the
    first time?

  • If T-REX were coming up again in a week or a month, what would you
    change/do to prepare?

Where did the survey respondents report from?

Top 3 States by Survey Participation:

Washington:  8

Alabama:  6

Idaho:  5

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