Recently the question was asked, “Since we’ve gone from AmCON-4 to AmCON-3, what’s the difference, and what should we be doing?”

Action items our operators should be taking under AmCON-4 and AmCON-3 are virtually the same. However, the primary difference between the two are “Incident Possible” (4) and “Incident Probable” (3).

We decided to raise the AmCON to Level-3 (Three) due to the Hamas’ (and their supporters) call for “…a day of rage” or  “…a day of jihad” last Friday. We will hold at Level-3 as the world watches and waits for Israel’s imminent ground assault into the Gaza strip, and particularly to the regional response(s) by nation states.

There is an increasing likelihood that sleeper cells (jihadists and/or Chinese saboteurs) in America could be activated to exploit the deteriorating geopolitical situation.

RADIO OPERATOR ACTIONS (In addition to the above-noted Level-3 activities)

  • Stow unused communications electronics in faraday protection
  • Review the Signals Operating Instructions (including the AmRRON White Papers)
  • Familiarize yourself with submitting a Status Report (STATREP)
  • Participate in at least one training/practice net per week
  • Download and set up Kleopatra and the PGP keys for AmRRON Actual (this will allow you to authenticate any official traffic originating from AmRRON National
  • Familiarize yourself with the SPOTREP
  • Familiarize yourself with the Source and Information Reliability Matrix (PP. 92 & 93 in SOI). If we go operational and you begin gathering information and reports, rate each source and update it as you gather information. This will be a valuable tool for discerning subsequent information.

If we suddenly find ourselves in a grid-down attack:

  • Assume we are at AmCON-1 until you hear otherwise
  • Assume a Schedule One (P.14 SOI) operating schedule (One National Net and one evening Rolling Regional Net)

Depending on band conditions, NCS may choose alternate frequencies or bands to fit the situation. If you do not see/hear AmRRON activity at the scheduled band/time, then scroll up the band, then down the band to find the net. If you still do not detect an AmRRON net at the scheduled band/time, change from 80m to 40m band.

  • Prepare and submit a STATREP, according to schedule, over the Persistent Presence Net (No more than once per hour, or if your Status changes and needs to be updated). This will help free scheduled nets for moving traffic.
  • Submit a SITREP to report specific incidents (or updates to an ongoing incident) requiring additional details or instructions.

If the Amateur Radio service is suspended due to claims of national security concerns:

  • Stop transmitting
  • Continue to monitor per the schedule for any emergency or serious national security traffic being passed
  • Monitor the bands for any other activity, and be prepared to record any radio traffic which may be of special interest, suspicious, or of intelligence value
  • Transmit only in cases of emergency, such as the threat of loss of life/limb, or of grave national security concern