We are now taking volunteers for ‘Initiating Stations’
Deadline for responses: End of the day, Friday, June 16th, 2023
Dates for T-REX 2023: Fri-Sun July 21st, 22nd, and 23rd
Initiating Station: Initiates ‘preloaded’ radio traffic at specific times and dates during the exercise to enhance the scenario, exercise flow, and timeline.
Preloaded traffic is issued to the volunteer Initiating Stations approximately one week prior to the start of the exercise.
Preloaded traffic (called ‘Injects’) may be in the form of a SITREP (Situation Report), welfare traffic, or requests for assistance, depending on numerous variables identified by the exercise planning team.
Initiating stations may be issued one or two ‘Injects’. Some may be issued more, depending on the scenario and the stations geographical location.
Each ‘Inject’ will be issued with instructions and guidance, and help will be available to ensure you are as prepared as can be prior to the ‘grid down’ exercise.
You will be issued one or more pieces of traffic to inject during the exercise.
Occasionally, we issue conditional traffic. In other words, for example, you may receive instructions that “if you see an over-air radio request for sleeping cots coming from within a 150 mile radius from you…” that might be the trigger for you to respond (let’s say, your T-Rex instructions stated that your boss has a warehouse of camping equipment, including cots, and he is looking to donate them but doesn’t know who might be in need, nor where to send them). You may receive pre-exercise instructions from the T-Rex planning team to respond to the sending station with a predetermined message issued to you prior to the exercise.
Requirements — An Initiating Station must have:
– HF Capability (or ability to successfully reach an HF-capable station via UHF/VHF digital modes, who can relay to the net for you).
– Digital Mode Capabilities. Minimum FLDIGI, FLMSG, FLAMP, and AmRRON Custom html forms.
– Must be available on the day(s) and time(s) your traffic is scheduled to be injected.
– Inform us in advance of any days or times you may not be available, so we can plan and coordinate with you accordingly.
Here’s the test to determine if you will be accepted. Can you follow instructions?
Email johnjacob at amrron dot com and type ‘T23 Volunteer’ in the subject line.
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