We are migrating some of our older videos from the RFR channel over to the AmRRON Youtube Channel.

And then new content will be on the way!

I’m still learning about how the ‘Likes’, ‘Subscribes’, ‘Comments’, and ‘Shares’ affect the algorithm to push our videos and channel to the top, but apparently that’s the thing to do.

So please, Like, Subscribe, and Share the videos with those in your circles.  Let’s help others get their Comms Up!

Once I get most of the videos migrated over, we look forward to producing new content covering radio ops, gear, tradecraft, and general topics of interest to the patriot/prepper radio community.  Stay tuned!

Also, we’ll be working on getting content up on the AmRRON Rumble channel as well, so we’ll keep you posted as progress is made there.


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