JS8Call is software using the JS8 Digital Mode providing weak signal keyboard to keyboard messaging to Amateur Radio Operators.

Cross-platform digital mode software for Raspberry Pi, Linux, Windows, and Mac

JS8Call, developed by Jordan Sherer, is one of the most revolutionary digital mode software programs to come along, and it has become a main go-to mode for day-to-day AmRRON operations.  Similar to CW (Morse Code) performance, which can be transmitted hundreds or even thousands of miles with just a few watts, JS8Call is superior to CW in many respects:

  • Your signal gets out, and is understood!  Superb performance during weak signals and poor band conditions, with acknowledgments that the message was received, even automated responses when the operator has to step away from his station.
  • Messages can be stored for later retrieval, or relayed across one or more stations to your final destination.
  • Query other stations, or an entire group, to determine who is on frequency, and the quality of the path and signal strength to each.  This lets you know who you can hear, and who can hear you.  You can also see who is hearing stations that you cannot hear.
  • There are many more features in JS8Call, as you’ll learn.  It just takes time using the mode, and you’ll quickly find what a valuable tool JS8Call is.

Several AmRRON Corps operators were involved in the testing, feedback, and further development of JS8Call, working with the developer to offer recommendations for features which help the AmRRON mission.

Download, Install, Configure, and join the other operators on the network:

  1.  Go to the JS8Call website, read the information, and watch the developer’s video to get a better understanding.
  2.  Download the software program that fits your operating system, at the JS8Call Download Page.
  3.  Get the JS8Call User Guide.  (it seems to only be readable on the JS8Call User Guide page)
  4. Set up JS8Call for AmRRON operations
    1.  UPDATED 6-01-2022 WHITE PAPER – JS8CALL
  5. During normal operations, follow the Persistent Presence Net schedule to use JS8Call on a regular, daily basis.  The Persistent Presence Net is also outlined in your AmRRON Signals Operating Instructions (SOI), on page 16.
  6. BE SURE to turn your Heartbeat and Autoreply ‘OFF’ during regularly-scheduled practice nets.  Know when nets are scheduled to take place.

The most current guidance, for sending a STATREP over JS8Call (for those who do not have Commstat installed and running), can be found at https://amrron.com/2023/06/18/white-paper-statrep-forms-and-formatting-2023/.

The above STATREP guidance is also applicable for sending over plain text or voice.


CommStat One

Commstat turns this…

Into this…










Despite the many great features of JS8Call, when multiple operators (even dozens, or more) begin exchanging information, such as status reports (STATREPs), all that raw data on the screen can be overwhelming to filter through and decipher.  It’s also difficult to determine what and where incidents are happening.  Software developer and AmRRON Corps operator  ‘Whiskey Five Delta’  began developing a companion program to JS8Call which parses out the raw data and does two main things:  1) Plots the location of a reported incident on a map, and; 2) color codes the STATREP reported by the station(s), giving a quick visual indicator of exactly what is affected, and to what degree, whether it’s a power outage, communications disruption, road conditions, etc.

After many months of development, feedback, and a weeks-long beta testing phase, spearheaded by Papa Romeo Whiskey (and working closely with Whiskey Five Delta), what has emerged is what has come to be called CommStatOne.

A more comprehensive posting, and introductory and tutorial video series, is forthcoming.  But there’s no reason to wait for you to get operational.  CommStatOne provides for:

  • Submitting a preformatted STATREP (Status Report) form
  • Conducting Commstat nets using JS8Call
  • Flash bulletins for high visibility important notifications
  • Scrolling marquee across the top so Net Control can make announcements that stays in front of the operators
  • Filtering to look more closely at incidents over a time period, location, etc.
  • And much more!

The instructions developed by PRW are very thorough, and will walk you through the step-by-step process of getting CommStatOne downloaded, set up, and operational on the air.  This is designed with HF radio operations in mind, but JS8Call is also used across the country for local VHF/UHF nets, and CommStatOne could be used for that as well.

Get the downloadable/printable CommStatOne PDF guide here.

NOTE:  You do NOT need to be a licensed ham operator to download JS8Call and CommStatOne, install them, and use them for RECEIVING ONLY.  You can easily use a shortwave radio receiver or SDR receiver to receive the signals being transmitted by ham operators.  This is another tool for your situational awareness, even if you can’t transmit.