Greetings patriots. We wish you a truly merry and blessed Christmas.
Ours, unfortunately, is coming with some severe challenges. We’ve had a series of cascading, catastrophic logistical and infrastructure failures over the past 24 hours and are at the point where we don’t have a choice but to ask for help. We have absolutely no resources to deal with the recently developed situation.
I don’t like to ask for help, so I don’t. However, I have been scolded in the past for not asking when there is a specific need, from those who are able and want to. We would not ask if the situation wasn’t so dire.
The recent freeze (-15 last night) caused issues, but the loss of commercial power for nearly two hours finally broke us. We couldn’t get backup heaters and the generator deployed fast enough, everywhere everywhere they were needed. There are so many interconnected logistical issues that it would be comical if it wasn’t so serious.
The heater in the well pump house failed and everything is frozen, including the pump, which appears to be busted. Evidently the pump motor was trying to continue running (even though the water pump portion was frozen up) and caused an electrical fire in the panel, which welded the wiring together. We have a 300gal water tank that we can fill from the spring, which we can’t get to because our tractor (snow plow) has a radiator that needs to be rebuilt/replaced. Plugging the diesel truck in to preheat the engine caused an electrical fire in the engine heater wiring (apparently due to a short). In the hour it took for me to get everything rerouted to power the pipe heaters under the house, the pipes froze and I need to replace the copper pipe with Pex pipe now.
There’s more… much more. But suffice it to say, the next week will be spent working on repairs and water hauling, and we do not have the resources to do any of it.
We know others are struggling as well, but (for those who are able) if as many of you as possible could donate just $10, we would be eternally grateful. Then I can get back to AmRRON and the multiple projects to help us meet the challenges that we will be facing in 2023.
I am only asking because so many of you have insisted that we ask for help for specific needs when they arise.
Paypal would be the fasted way to get donations to us (the AmRRON Paypal account is still active)
UPDATE: We’ve just added Cash App: @AmRRON
by *Paypal to
Or if by snail mail, to:
PO Box 757
Rathdrum, ID 83858
Thank you so much, in advance, for your consideration and your help, for those of you who are willing and able.
We both cried when we realized the magnitude of the disaster, and not having the resources to deal with it.
Then we cried again when we dragged our butts in (long day) and saw the outpouring of support.
Thank you all so much!
-JJS and LL
I’ve been a monthly contributor for quite a few years but I did recently cancel my 22 year old paypal acct. I’m happy to send a check, what should it be made out to? I only ask that at some point after you find stability my Membership info be updated as it has been incorrect for nearly as long. Thank you.
Thank you so much!
Checks can be made out to AmRRON (or) AmRRON Communications to:
PO Box 757
Rathdrum, ID 83858
Is it the I-Cash app? Want to make sure I download the correct thing.
Possibly that’s an iPhone thing (?). It’s simply CashApp on my end. To @AmRRON
To JJS, the richest man in town.
Definitely the richest in terms of friends, support, and encouragement. It made the situation bearable.
How do I get to the cash app?
God Bless you both+
I want to help but I do not, nor want to, have paypal. This is Jeanne Russ’ wife. Text me your address and I can mail some cash to you. Would like to help out. Many people, including us, have really had a lot of challenge with this winter. We went through the well pump problem a couple of year back and it is NO fun and not cheap. Make sure you have GFI protection for your well pump, if you don’t now.
Responded to your email. We also have Cash App @AmRRON and the PO Box.
PO Box 757
Rathdrum, ID 83858
Sent a small bit of Christmas. May help with wire or PVC. and prayers.
After you get things squared away, it might be interesting if you could write a brief summary of your experiences along with any advice you might have to help us prepare for similar events
Definitely will. There are a lot of lessons learned, and the experience goes beyond having some deep cycle batteries and kerosene lanterns handy. As we’re going through making repairs, we’re also adding mitigation. We’re very grateful to be able to, and only as a result of the amazing outpouring of support.
Thank you! There are so many texts, messages, and emails it will take two weeks to go through them all to thank everyone, for the prayers, encouragement, and the donations (many of whom gave above and beyond the $10 that we asked for… and God bless the $5 donations!).
Tis the season that’s for sure. Our 1st floor furnace (old farm house) stopped keeping up in the middle of that hateful storm. Our well pump switch had to be manually activated but started working again when it warmed up. If you fall short call out again, we have all been there and we all know the importance of the work you are doing for us.
John Jacob don’t think of it as charity. Think of it as family taking care of family. Even though many of us have never actually met in meat space we still feel like we know one another. AmRRon is a family who steps up to help family. Thank you for all you’ve done creating this space and teaching us all from your book, podcast, and website. If you look at all the education you have given away over the years ten bucks is nothing.
I agree with RECON PREPPER, you’ve taught me more than I can give back.
JJS – Just received this notice and sent via cash app. We had friends loose all their storage food that had any liquid in it – potatoes, squash, canned goods. They were devastated, but the community has rallied around them to restore what was lost. That is why we prepare, so that when one of us struggles, another has the resources to help. All the best – DR03
I hope you got my letter with some help?
We did. Thank you!!!
We need you leading and not recovering. It’s why we are helping as to reduce your recovery time…. God Speed.. 73
Cheers My Friend