The following resources are from Episode 22-35 of the Radio Free Redoubt weekly podcast, covering the growing nuclear war threat (Segment 2), and tools and resources for your situational awareness and increased survivability. Nuclear attacks are VERY survivable for the majority of Americans, if you are informed.
Segment 2 (Current events and Indicators) begins at approx. 18:00 minute mark
Segment 3 (Effects and Survivability resources) begins at 31:00
Also, be sure to explore the Nuclear and Attack Risk Modeling posting at:
Current events | Indicators of increased geopolitical instability and probability of nuclear weapons use
From the Koenig World Watch Report
OCTOBER 8, 2022
Video: Russia says truck bomb caused Crimea bridge explosion; limited traffic resumes
The speaker of Crimea’s Kremlin-backed regional parliament immediately accused Ukraine of being behind the explosion, though Moscow didn’t apportion blame. Ukrainian officials have repeatedly threatened to strike the bridge and some lauded the destruction. Kyiv stopped short of claiming responsibility, though officials heavily hinted they were behind the attack.
OCTOBER 9, 2022
Putin ‘in a corner’ with options narrowing
US President Joe Biden admitted this week that American diplomats still did not know how Russian President Vladimir Putin could bring an end to his faltering war in Ukraine and save face. Western analysts see no good options.
OCTOBER 7, 2022
Biden: Nuclear ‘Armageddon’ risk highest since ’62 crisis (Is he trying to provoke?)
President Joe Biden said Thursday that the risk of nuclear “Armageddon” is at the highest level since the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis, as Russian officials speak of the possibility of using tactical nuclear weapons after suffering massive setbacks in the eight-month invasion of Ukraine.
Speaking at a fundraiser for the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Biden said Russian President Vladimir Putin was “a guy I know fairly well” and the Russian leader was “not joking when he talks about the use of tactical nuclear weapons or biological or chemical weapons.”
OCTOBER 9, 2022
Pompeo rips Biden’s ‘reckless’ Armageddon remark: ‘One of the greatest foreign policy failures’
Amir Tsarfati
– Two Russian and four Chinese warships were seen just 86 miles from Alaska (Navy Times)
– Russian Navy nuclear submarine ‘Belgorod’ disappears in the Barents Sea, armed with one to six “Gigaton-class Poseidon nuclear torpedos” designed to create massive tsunamis of radiated water. (
- New Images Reveal Russia’s ‘Missing’ Submarine Belgorod In Arctic ( ran a piece downplaying the disappearance as “media hype”
– Russian Military Train Operated By ‘Secretive Nuclear Division’ Is On Its Way To Ukraine (DailyWire)
5 days ago the train, which was pictured on a Russian propaganda Telegram account, was reportedly on its way to Ukraine from central Russia. Military defense analyst Konrad Muzyka said that the 12th directorate operates a dozen facilities for storing Russia’s nuclear weapons, according to The Telegraph.
– North Korea launches missiles over Japan; splashes into the ocean (
North Korea’s missile launch prompted Japan to issue an alert to residents in northeastern regions to evacuate buildings nearby in what was the first such alert in five years.
Source – The International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN)
What To Do if a Nuclear Disaster is imminent | KI4U Guide
The Good News About Nuclear Destruction | KI4U Good News
The ‘Good News About Nuclear Destruction’ is that if all Americans were
trained again in the Civil Defense basics of what to do and not do if nuclear weapons
were ever unleashed again, we could instantly make all nukes 90% less lethal. Ideally,
while I’d like to see a world free of nuclear weapons someday, in the meantime we should
all embrace rejuvenating public Civil Defense to greatly minimize their lethality.”
Survivalblog | Radiation Issues: Nuclear Blasts Part-1 by Dr. Bones of Doom and Bloom
Survivalblog | Radiation Issues: Nuclear Blasts Part-2 by Dr. Bones of Doom and Bloom
It can be fatal if you don’t do anything. See the effects from ‘Nuclear Blasts Part-2′ of Dr. Bones’ article:
Effects On Humans Of Various Amounts of Absorbed Radiation
An acute radiation dose (one received over a short period of time) is the most likely to cause damage. Below is a list of the effects on humans corresponding to the amount of radiation absorbed. For comparison, assume that you absorb about 0.6 RADs per year from natural or household sources. These are the effects of different degrees of acute radiation exposure on humans:
– 30-70 RADS: Mild headache or nausea within several hours of exposure. Full recovery is expected.
– 70-150 RADS: Mild nausea and vomiting in a third of patients. Decreased wound healing and increased susceptibility to infection. Full recovery is expected.
– 150-300 RADS: Moderate nausea and vomiting in a majority of patients. Fatigue and weakness in half of victims. Infection and/or spontaneous bleeding may occur due to a weakened immune system. Medical care will be required for many, especially those with burns or wounds. Occasional deaths at 300 RADS exposure may occur.
– 300-500 RADS: Moderate nausea and vomiting, fatigue, and weakness in most patients. Diarrheal stools, dehydration, loss of appetite, skin breakdown, and infection will be common. Hair loss is visible in most over time. At the high end of exposure, expect a 50% death rate.
– Over 500 RADS: Spontaneous bleeding, fever, stomach and intestinal ulcers, bloody diarrhea, dehydration, low blood pressure, infections, and hair loss is anticipated in almost all patients. Death rates approach 100%. The effects related to exposure may occur over time, even if the dose was received in a very short time. Hair loss, for example, will become apparent at 10-14 days. Deaths may occur weeks after the exposure.
See how rapidly the radiation decays! If you can hunker down and shelter for 48 to 72 hours, nuclear fallout can be VERY survivable.
From Page 12 (Page 18 of the PDF document) in the Nuclear War Survival Skills
From DareToPrepare | Here is a similar chart detailing dosage effects expected in a group of people as condensed from a 1967 Defense Department shelter management textbook:
And from the backside of the Nukalert key fob. 100R exposure is when some people begin showing signs of radiation sickness.
Highly recommended Nuclear War Survival Skills by Kearny
Also, free to download
The Effects of Nuclear Weapons by Glasstone
Also from Radio Free Redoubt. Visit the posting from March of 2022, ‘Radiological Considerations: Monitoring and Reporting’ for links to resources for monitoring radiation levels.
Contains links to radiation detection equipment that we have and use, as well as what others use and recommend.
Cover photo credit: The Prepper Stop
Excellent info! I am familiar with Fairchild AFB. Did a Civil Air Patrol cadet encampment there while it was a SAC base.
Excellent report and compilation
the Kearny Fallout Meter KFM document can be had from this link:
This a good review of a very handy and useful radiation meter (Ecotest Terra P). I it is small and will fit in your pocket. I have one and use it daily to check and record the background radiation. You can find these on eBay and Amazon.