Statement of Purpose:
Provide guidance for stations participating in AmRRON HF Nets to minimize
interference and disruptions of net traffic being sent.
“Every time I’m right in the middle of getting the AIB (or other traffic)
from the net, someone transmits in the blind trying to check in, and obliterates
half the incoming message, and they do it repeatedly!”
Develop orderly net disciplines so traffic being sent is not disrupted. This
guidance is intended to resolve the following conditions:
A. Net Control often not establishing and/or maintaining working relationship with
an Assistant Net Control Station (ANCS), leading to;
B. Stations who are unable to hear NCS repeatedly transmitting “CQ CQ AmRRON”,
or repeatedly checking in, interfering with net traffic.
C. Frustrated station operators who are in the process of receiving traffic, missing
traffic due to stations transmitting in the blind, on top of net traffic.
D. NCSs unable to confirm receipt of traffic from distant station operators.
Recommended Procedures:
A. For net participants during controlled nets:
1. Follow all instructions of NCS and ANCS, precisely.
2. If you do not have Priority or higher traffic for the net,
do not transmit until:
a. You specifically hear/see from NCS or ANCS, clearly calling for check-ins or traffic.
If you’re not clearly instructed to transmit, you don’t transmit, unless:
b. You are well into the established net schedule time and have heard nothing, then
suddenly see stations checking in, or apparently communicating with NCS/ANCS, THEN:
– Put out your call sign, followed by “Need Relay” to request to be relayed ONE TIME,
and wait to be acknowledged, or;
– Transmit your call sign, followed by “[Precedence] Traffic” ONE TIME, if you have
traffic to pass, and wait to be acknowledged.
3. If you see/hear a station transmitting on top of NCS/ANCS, make a note of his call sign
so you can relay him in at the appropriate time. It is apparent he cannot copy NCS or
ANCS and will need to be relayed.
4. If you see/hear a station repeat his transmission on top of NCS/ANCS, do not delay,
tell the station:
a)“ de , Net is underway. Stand by.” That station has already disrupted
the net twice, so your message to him will hopefully stop further interference.
b) If station interferes a third time, “ de , You are interfering with
the net. I will relay you in. Cease transmitting.”
c)Although you would likely also be disrupting traffic at that moment, all the other operators
will appreciate it nonetheless. Then ask NCS or ANCS to re-transmit last traffic.
5.When receiving traffic, do not ask for fills or re-transmission until NCS asks for it.
Often NCS’s station will momentarily BK or ‘BT’ (Break Transmission), and then resume. That
break is not your chance to ask for the rest of the message or request block fills, unless
you have Emergency traffic.
6.If after the net you were not able to check in or receive traffic, no one volunteered to
relay you in, and it is evident you were not heard, THEN feel free to call ‘CQ CQ AmRRON’,
and request traffic. You will very likely be heard by someone and may still get traffic
relayed to you after the net has officially closed.
B. For Net Control Stations (NCS) and Assistant NCS (ANCS):
1. NCS, at the beginning of the net, ask for ANCS to volunteer (rarely does a station
However, when you encounter a strong station and assign them as ANCS, asking them directly,
they almost always accept and do a good job).
2. Take first wave of check-ins and identify the strongest distant
station, designate them as ANCS, and request acknowledgment from
them. If they’re new or express they don’t fee adequate yet, THEN go to
the next strong station.
3. Both, NCS and ANCS tell stations to hold transmissions until directed by NCS or ANCS again.
4. NCS transmits net traffic to ANCS.
ANCS then relays relays traffic to the net.
5. Block fills and retransmission requests called for by NCS at that time,
and then by ANCS
10. NCS and ANCS alternately resume taking check-ins, and coordinate taking late check-ins,
relays, or additional net traffic (if any).
and Turn off beacons!!!
As you said, this is information for controlled nets. The new people need to practice this, and remember that we have two ears and one mouth. Listen first and then talk. That’s why we train.