Statement of Purpose:  Establish and reinforce standard practices for Tiers 4-6 (NCSs, Backbone

operators, and SIGCENs) to develop an Initial Event Summary to disseminate to others at the

onset of an activation, or major grid down event.


Intent: This is new, but it’s important and should be implemented as early as T-REX 2019 by NCS,

Backbone, and SIGCEN (Tiers 4-6) operators.  An IES is a prepared statement essentially stating

“This is what we know…” when the hordes take to the airwaves to find out what just happened.

At the onset of a major grid-down event, radio operators will be taking to the airwaves in search

of information and answers.

While you, as a seasoned operator, may not have any more information than anyone else, people will

still be looking to you as an “AmRRON Leader,” not only with answers, but with guidance to tell

them what to do next.

The network will benefit greatly if you have an organized ready response from the very onset.  It sets

the tone for you and those reaching out to you for the following critical days and hours.  An Initial

Event Summary (IES) will help maintain calm and give reassurance that you are there and aware,

and efforts to gather and disseminate information are already under way.  You will be an assuring

presence that will instill confidence in others that the network is alive and well and there for them.


General Guidance:

  1. Create a text document that you can use to paste your IES from into a macro, or into the transmit

field of your fldigi, read over voice nets, or past into flmsg forms, etc.  It also gives you a file you could

send over flamp or gARIM.

2.  Create a Macro titled ‘IES’ and have it pre-formatted so all you have to do is add your updated IES.

An IES should be created by all NCSs, SIGCEN radio operators, and Backbone operators.  As soon as

you begin beaconing, AmRRON operators will likely begin contacting you for information and


Avoid rumors or opinions.  Use information that is seemingly related from prior grid-up news reports,

what you have collected over the air, and other SIGINT efforts, and what you know by your own


Until official reports start flowing that you can pass on, keep your IES updated with timely, accurate

information, making corrections, etc.


General Content:

  1. Short narrative of what you know to be true (Who, What, Where, When, Why, How,

How many/much/long).

2. Inform them of your intent and capabilities (what frequencies and modes you’ll be operating

on the air, and what times)

Refer them to the S.O.I and the next upcoming scheduled nets, and remind them to monitor

CH3 traffic.

3. Tell them if you are in contact with others in AmRRON, or that you will be attempting contact

with others and will be developing a SITREP and passing along any information you receive.

4. Ask those around you to prepare an initial Status Report.  Many operators don’t train, so don’t

be surprised to hear “What’s a Status Report?”  Be prepared to walk them through a STATREP,

soliciting line items one at a time.

5. Request Situation Reports (SITREPs) from anyone with information about significant security,

humanitarian, disaster, or damage developments in their area which would fall beyond the scope

of a simple Status Report.

6. Pass along any public service announcements that you heard from grid-up media sources or

over the air (ie. Boil drinking water in a certain town, etc.)

7. Tell them when to be on the air next, and until then…

give them something to do, such as:

  1. Get all their valuables and papers ready in case of evacuation
  2. Check all their batteries and replace them in key items

3. Store up all the water they can gather

4. Check on their elderly neighbors and/or to inventory your  neighborhood communications

capabilities and develop a  local neighborhood communications plan.