Excellent write up by [code name] Popeye.  It explains the concept of how AmRRON is a network.  It is designed to be the link between Hams and Non-Hams (and volunteer Relays, licensed or not).

1.  A Ham is the most valuable tool in your communication toolbox.  Find one, either by using the AmRRON directory to see if one is near you, or become one and get to know others through your local Ham club, or locate one through word of mouth. Consideration: All Hams love to communicate, for any reason, but not all Hams may share your political views.  So find one who is compatible and shares your patriotic/American Redoubt views.

2.  Start NOW!  If you’re not a Ham and don’t plan to become one, then get your SW Receiver (with SSB) capability and antenna and PSK-31 Software and WINMOR software downloaded and put on a disk NOW. After TEOTWAWKI is NOT the time to take it out of the box and scratch your head as you read the directions with your kerosene lantern.  If you ARE a Ham, then download the pertinent software (if you don’t already have it) and start using it and participate, or at least start monitoring.

3. Redundancy!  Just having one ham within 10 or 20 miles of you might not cut it.  Each of you can receive some sort of communications that others can’t hear, and you can reach other Hams and CH3 preppers/Redoubters that others can’t.  Don’t assume that just because your area has one Ham, that your part of the state, county, or city is ‘covered.’

4.  Note to HF-Capable Non-Hams.  I know of several of you who have HF transceivers but are not licensed (and some don’t plan to).  Still, get your rig up and running NOW.  In an emergency where life or limb is in danger, you can operate the radio.  Let us know so we can update your profile with ‘HF CAPABLE –  Non-Ham.’  We’ll know what that means.  If you non-Hams and Relays haven’t purchased your SW Receivers yet, then try to get a Ham Transceiver, instead of just a RECEIVER.  The cost difference is nominal and in an absolute emergency, you can talk TO others instead of just listening.   Otherwise listening and not being able to talk would be like being in a coma listening to the doctors talk about what they’re gonna do to you, but you’re unable to yell, “NO!”

Happy Communicating.  Thanks, Popeye!

-John Jacob Schmidt


Communications Between Groups 

First, let me make a point clear:  you REALLY need to to thoughtfully recruit at least one ham radio operator into each area’s group.  I’ve been at this for decades and there is absolutely nothing like the type of communications that a ham can bring to a group. It isn’t just the hardware, it’s the knowledge and experience. Just like buying a rifle does not make a person an Army Ranger, buying a radio does NOT make them a communicaitons officer. Once you have your ‘communications officer’, ‘chief geek’ or whatever else you want to call them, then you can begin to communicate muuuuuuch further than you can yell.

1.  First priority is to be able to communicate between each other in YOUR IMMEDIATE AREA when the phones and internet drop dead.  This could happen for any reason from EMP to a simple “Ooops” at the wrong time and place. If you lived in the Bozeman , Mt. area, could you do THIS right now if the lights went out?

If not – you need to consider the implications of no communications with family and team members during an emergency – then fix it!  We can help.

2.  Being able to communicate with others in your region , but too far for your close range comms may be important to share intelligence, perhaps share resources:  “We have a TON of apples here in Helena, do you have any beef?”

3.  Being able to communicate across the continent RELIABLY is not far fetched at all. Using Ham Radio and especially Ham using strong modes like digital communications, you are able to communicate a couple of thousand miles with amazing reliability during any given 24 hour period IF you are prepared to do so and already have PRE-established a communications links. If we all wait until TEOTWAWKI and THEN decide that it’s a great time to call ‘what’s his name in Georgia…’ it will be too late.  Basically: If you are NOT doing it today then you’ll probably not be doing it ‘then’. Additionally: it is HANDY to have a Relay Station outside of your immediate area. Often they are unaffected by local emergencies and have access to infrastructure communications, additional information and etc.

Can you do THIS right NOW?

Develop your area communications first.  Participate in Local Nets .  Locate and recruit RELIABLE ham radio operators in your immediate area, be wise, don’t rush, but do not drag your feet. They can help tremendously with local, area and long range comms.

If you are a ham radio operator, especially one with ability to legally operate on HF, please step forward.  You could serve as a hub for your area by using what you know to strengthen your own family’s position as well as your neighbors.  Also, because you are already a ham, you are in a good position to serve as a recruiter for the teams.

As usual OPSEC, but with progress is what is needed.

Another Public Service Message
brought to you by POPEYE.